Liberty Hill HS Band: Summer Check-In #2

Panther Band Family,

Happy Sunday! Thank you for your patience in-between these emails - lots has been cooking in the interim that we are excited to share with you!

First, we have a new band website! has been completely overhauled and I encourage you to all take a look at the information it has to offer. It is our intention to have this be your one-stop shop for information, announcements, the calendar, etc. A few points of interest:

  • The calendar, easily syncable to your devices

  • The Carpool Interest Form, where you can sign up to carpool students, therefore minimizing the number of trips parents need to make to/from school. (Many hands make light work!)

  • The Carpool Submissions page, where you can see other families who are interested/available to carpool. The page is password protected so your personal information is still secure.

  • The private lesson Online Enrollment Form, where you can easily enroll for lessons electronically. Everything is documented electronically and should help us streamline our information between the campus, the lesson teacher, and yourselves.

  • The Absence Request Form, an absolute necessity for the program to stay on top of absences.

Students, there is also a password-protected page that has our fall Daily Drill and a revised Part 2. Please keep this music (and MIDI files) "in the family," - no sharing with anyone outside of our organization.

Second, as we draw closer to summer band starting, there are also some required materials everyone must have:

  • A black binder with sheet protectors

  • A pencil pouch with sharpened pencils

  • Athletic shoes for marching (a recommended list is here with an explanation here). Do you need to buy new shoes if you already have athletic shoes? Absolutely not! BUT, understand that Vans, Converse, Crocs, sandals, etc., are not appropriate marching footwear and will end up with injuries to the student. Plan on having appropriate footwear!

  • Compression shorts to be worn under your marching band uniform.

We cannot wait to keep seeing folks at the Open Band Hall (next one is July 11) and then officially starting summer band later this month! Expect the frequency of emails to increase as we get closer to things starting up. Students, we have just shy of a month to learn as much as we can before summer band - remember, the work you put in NOW will pay off LATER!

Happy 4th of July and Go Panthers!

Joshua Muñoz
Director of Bands
Liberty Hill High School


Liberty Hill HS Band: Summer Check-In #3


Liberty Hill HS Band: Summer Check-In #1