Weekly Announcements - Week of 09.11.2023

Panther Band Family,

Good evening! If you have not yet seen the flurry of itineraries posted in the BAND app and on the band website, please check those out as soon as you are done with this email. We have itineraries up for our next four events - the Rouse HS game, March-A-Thon, Tivy HS game, and USBands San Antonio Regional.

The start time for this Friday's rehearsal has been adjusted to 7:15 AM. This allows our Seniors to participate in Senior Sunrise. We have been told that if we are coming into the stadium at 7:15 AM, that should be as the event is winding down, so we can get right to work!

Many families have been turning in Absence Request Forms - thank you for the documentation. However, many forms are being turned in with less than 24 hours notice. The third bullet point on the Absence Request Form says, "Absences from rehearsals must be requested at least 1 week in advance if they are not due to illness."

While some things come up at the last minute, we plan our clinicians and rehearsals well in advance under the assumption students will be in attendance. When we get Absence Request Forms at the last minute, it can create rehearsal issues, especially if many students are missing all at once. To the best of your ability, please turn in Absence Request Forms with as much lead time as possible (one week minimum under normal circumstances) so we can adjust our rehearsal goals as necessary.

Finally, some very exciting news! Thanks to a generous donor, any students who did not opt into the meal plan now have their meals covered. This means every student will have meals provided for all home games, away games, and all marching contests!

Have a great night. Go Panthers!

Joshua Muñoz
Director of Bands
Liberty Hill High School

Weekly Announcements - Week of 9.11.2023 (click me!)


9.29.2023 Game Day Itinerary (Cedar Creek HS - Homecoming)


9.23.2023 USBands San Antonio Regional Itinerary (Davenport HS)