Weekly Announcements - Week of 09.04.2023
Panther Band Family,
I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable three-day weekend! The staff is incredibly proud of the band's first home game performance and cannot wait to continue our growth throughout the season.
Now that we are in September, we are officially in our competition season. Our March-A-Thon exhibition performance is Sep. 16 and our first contest, the USBands San Antonio show, is on Sep. 23. Please help us ensure that students are on time and present in rehearsal - marching band is a team effort and everyone's attendance is critical to our success.
Finally, two rehearsal times have been adjusted: Oct. 9 and 10 were originally scheduled as 6:45 AM to 8:25 AM rehearsals. We are very fortunate to have secured Panther Stadium for two evening rehearsals on those days from 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM.
With more than a month before those rehearsals, we are hopeful that any conflict issues can be resolved. Rehearsing in a full-sized stadium gives us a vantage point we don't normally have and we look forward to seeing and hearing how we sound in a rehearsal setting from the press box!
Have a great week! Go Panthers!
Joshua Muñoz
Director of Bands
Liberty Hill High School